Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 59 - What To Do On Your 28th Birthday

My Birthday Candles, Source : Flickr
Today I am celebrating my 28th birthday.

As I looked back in the 28 years of my life, I can really say it has been an adventure.

I made many mistakes. Early in my life I got into drugs. I tried solving my problems by drinking. I went with the wrong crowd. There were many instances that I blamed God for my life.

But suddenly I woke up. I started by crawling my way until I could walk slowly again. I learned and slowly change my life.

I refocused on my studies and realized, I have indeed an intelligent mind. I was able to go to college and finally had my first and very last girl friend. I became a good and trying hard Christian. At my very best, I served with love and still failed (continuously failing). I tried to start businesses on my own. I have looked in many areas that would take me to great wealth but none work out.

At times I still fail. I still struggle a lot from my approval addictions, and I still try to be a people pleaser.

I am a good person in my own opinion. I give my tithes. I share my income with my wife and my family. But I still fail tremendously.

But after all these years, I am very proud to say that I am AWAKE.

Many people's lives passes by like a wood floating in the river. They are enjoying the flow of the river and just ride the current. They let other circumstances in their lives control them. At times, they complain, but only a selected few really do something about it.

I am one of the selected few. And I am so happy that I woke up at an early age.

I know God has a great purpose why I was born. So at an early age of my life, I worked it out daily to pursue that purpose.

Unlike most people, I am not a wood anymore but a kayak taking full control of my life. Yes, I believe there is more to me than being a kayak. One day, I will become a big ship pursuing my purpose. And not only that, since I am already a ship, I will lead other people to their purpose as well.

I have already prayed to our Father my Birthday gift and I know He has already heard it. Soon His answer will be revealed.

Father thank you for blessing me with this life, I continue to be your servant.

I love you, and I know you love me more.

I will be seeing you fulfilling your purpose as well.

Dedicated to your purpose,
Jake the Ship

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