Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 55 - A Call To Greatness, Giving Back All We Are.

Today I just had a great highlight of my day. It is not doing my job (yup I still enjoy selling). Not making post for my online businesses. Not the business ideas that pop-up every now and then. It's the extension time that God has given me on this earth.

Watch this video of the Feast by Bro. Bo Sanchez last August 8.

Now I know what a real million is, in fact wealth is insignificant after watching this talk of Bro. Bo. It reminded me of the verse, "seek first the kingdom of God and everything will follow".

While I pride myself for being a good Christian, I think for the past days (or even months), I have been focusing on the wrong things in life. Obviously, since I have joined this "million in 90 days" challenge, I have focused too much on money and I forgot the more important things in life.

Planting the seeds in heaven.

Hey let me make things clear. I am a good Christian, I pray everyday (mornings and evenings with the Bible). I attend mass very actively. I love as much as I can (specially my family and my beautiful wife). I am generous with my tithing. I am happy and I try to forgive as fast as I could. Yet, I have forgotten one of the most important aspects of being a Christian - SERVICE.

I am reminded that all our lives are hanging on a thread. That anytime God can take it away, if He chooses to. That we are all living on borrowed time.

Now I will choose nothing else but serve God. Imperfect as we humans are, we all fail but by committing all that I am to be used for God's purpose, it will make a difference.

Here's my prayer to God.

"Father, all that I am belongs to You. Use all of me for Your purpose. I do not know where to go directly but let your grace be sufficient to make my path clear".

So I will be seeing you, to a earning a Million for God's Kingdom.

Dedicated to your success,
Jake the Multi-Millionaire

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